As a young girl, I do made mistakes but I learned from my mistakes to become better today that I ever was before. -Nazwa Amran-


Copied other people , and yet acting like he/she is the coolest person ever -.-

Na'ay what the heck ? First of all , wake up . Get a life . Stop copying others , get your own type of style/taste/interest . Is that even possible ? Is having our own taste is a problem ? If the answer is yes , you really should meet a physchologist , physiologist . (I can't spell it right , LOLL me) Now , you really annoyed other people when you're acting like you're a drop dead diva or or or anything a coolest man on earth can be . Like , duh ? what the heck is she/he trying to show . Oh more over , it'll only gets worse when you're trying to socialize with people by these kind of ways . Ya know , copycaters , I put on my big huge NO to you . Okay listen , being a copycaters ain't 'great'. You'll make the community hates you more , think about it . What's that so wrong in just being yourself ? Or you just don't even have an identity ? Not cool , man . This thing has gotta be the lowest of low . I know that everyone wanna be accepted by the social life and community , but copying others isn't the only way . Heh , I'm not cool either . And I don't care much . Cause that doesn't really matters . "Cool" label won't give me good results in exam , I bet you're admitting this . But yeah , maybe someone felt that being copied is good and they don't even get annoyed by the people who copies them . They was flattered that 'all' people wanna be like them . Okay that's another topic , why don't we just ignore it . But anyway , think positive . Feel awesome that there's people who copies you and think that you're cool enough to be emulate *feeling proud lol* Copycats are a fans of the person the copied . Don't you feel bad copycaters ? Now one thing , get a life and get a style/taste of your own. Simple thing . Haha , if only such people doesn't exist . The world would be much cleaner . Sorry but I have to say that copycats are just dumb . Well said , I better go to sleep than thinking about this whole bunch of crap . LOLL , why am I posting it then . Silly . xxx